Get Onboard!

The service we are providing to family-oriented establishments for family travel planning came about through our own traveling needs as parents traveling with small children for overnight, extended trips. We found our needs were not any different than any other traveling family, therefore, we found common ground in those features we expected from restaurants, hotels, and service stations. And the following research analysis shows the following statistics for Internet family travel planning:

"eKidsOnTheGo.Com" Marketing programs:

By coming 'OnBoard' with us, we not only provide a great amount of exposure to your business through our marketing efforts, we also provide the following:

1) We provide two (2) 'eKidsOnTheGo' window/door decals for display. We will state on our site, that this is a sign to those families on the road that this establishment caters to the needs of the family traveling on the road.

2) Instruction to facilitate use of the 'eKidsOnTheGo' logo for your collateral advertising, promotions, web site display, etc.

3) Confirmation of your presence and location in the 'Travel Planner' section of the 'eKidsOnTheGo' website , and renewal date.

Receive an application if your business is one of the following establishments:

Accomodation Establishment

Restaurant Establishment

Service Station Establishment